A couple of years ago, I was profoundly depressed, inching closer to suicide and utterly lost. So I started looking for something. I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was not God.

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words (none of them written by Sylvia Plath)

Depression is either a) horribly debilitating, painful and wounding; or b) a bit like shopping for shoes. As Sylvia Plath's quasi-autobiographical novel, the Bell Jar, is re-released, take a guess what the cover designer thinks. belljars

This is a timely reminder that it's not always the words that we use which influence our perceptions, but how they are presented.

(Image courtesy of London Review of Books - http://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2013/01/31/fatema-ahmed/silly-covers-for-lady-novelists/)

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